I've ordered 5 times from go-kartsRus, only once did I have a backorder and the package did not come to me within approx ~5~ days. I have also tried a couple of competitor sites with WAY worse results, we won't comment on those messes.
I understand some of these parts are getting scarce as the manufacturer keeps getting bought out, new owner comes in etc. but c'mon man!
So Go-karts'R'us (and easy to remember like the Toys'R' us Co.) is about the best you'll get for American sportworks parts. But, let it be known that some of these parts are just getting very hard to come by and you may have to buy elsewhere because of availability or lack thereof. If a part doesn't come up in your site lookup, email them the part# and ask for possible availability. Worked out once for me and failed also once. okay, they tried their best I guess.
:::::::: Gave 4 stars out of 5 ::::::: cuz 4 out of my 5 orders came quick, the other so called backordered one took almost 2 weeks! :( oh well, at least I got it and I understand it was a (now) discontinued part.
Bernie B. Davidson
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