Once I found my parts manual on the site, it was a breeze to pick out my parts needed. I had to email them first as I did not know how or where to find them, but they responded back with a free downloadable link to my buggies manual. NOTE!: You will need to know your model number of you machine, after my initial emailing, I found out there was like 20 "revisions" of the model by name, so I had to go back to look at my Buggy (physically) and found the name plate along with the (worthless) serial number. I say worthless on teh serial number because apparently the Manufacturer never logged this number to cross it with the actual model! (hmmm?)
Anyways, all said and done it was a very easy process. Go Karts-R-us had the best pricing, and they shipped all my parts to my house within a week easily. So good experience all around, just know your numbers! lol. That is your Buggies model number, then with the help of your parts manual (which has like a blueprint image of your buggy parts/areas) you will be able to key in all your part numbers and set the quantities of each. Oh yeah, key-in meaning I use the search box with the part# entered, I'm sure there's other ways but this is quick and easy.
I hope this may help some people in the future. Happy trails, and I'm off going mudding! :)
-Jon C.
Jon Campbell
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